Stijn Uitterhaegen
Shareholder & CEO Vandapower
Work experience
Shareholder & CEO
2015 - ...
Director Business Dev. China & Customer Service
2010 - 2015
Management Trainee - Specialized Sales Consultant
2007 - 2010
Business-to-Business Marketing Strategy
Harvard Business School
Master in General Management
Vlerick Business School
2006 - 2007
Master of Electromechanical Engineering
2001 - 2006
I started my career at Proximus after studying Civil Engineering at UGent and a Master General Management at Vlerick Business School. A few years later, Barco asked me to lead their sales in Eastern Europe. Then I was quickly offered the opportunity to become a regional director and then to expand Barco's Health Care division in China. I was growing fast and had the opportunity to build a great career with them. But I wasn't in a position to completely do my own thing. I yearned for real entrepreneurship
Then aim.group contacted me. I was asked to come on board as a partner in an SME, Vandapower. They wanted me to take over the general management, while being a shareholder. We sat together a lot and had open discussions. The financial structure of such an acquisition is very complex. It was important for me to fully understand it. aim.group heeft veel moeite gedaan om alles erg duidelijk voor te stellen. Zo’n overname is uiteraard ook een risico. Maar aim.group had prepared everything well. Together we looked at a standard scenario, a worst-case scenario, etc. Vandapower was a financially healthy company with a good team that I could rely on. So I quickly decided to take the leap.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating of course. Now, several years later, things are going well for Vandapower. The worst-case scenario turned out to be unnecessary; on the contrary, we are growing strongly. I get a lot of satisfaction from writing this success story. I have the space and autonomy I need. At the same time, aim.group supports me where and when necessary. I do not have to concern myself with matters I consider less relevant. This allows me to fully focus on what is important: doing business and further growing this company.
"Thanks to aim.group I can fully focus on what matters: doing business and further growing this company."
Of course negotiations with aim.group were involved. These were always very open and transparent. Looking back, I can say that the agreements made are perfectly respected. There is mutual respect and trust, we communicate and we look for opportunities and solutions together. But I am at the wheel. aim.group supports and gives advice, but does not impose. I can focus purely on my business and have a great time developing the group.